Thank You, Angel
Been in the library studying for a few hours (across from a cute Yale med student).
An older gentleman walks up to me out of nowhere, leans over the short raised part of my "cubicle" where I'm typing, and says, "Excuse me." I look up. He says, "During this time of year, when the wind blows and the air gets chilled, squirrels and sparrows alike begin to chase around some round objects on the ground. Do you know why?" I slowly shake my head, with an appropriate look of wonder and curiousity. "Because they are NUTS."
I giggle hesitatantly. HE is nuts.
He then says, "When a baby ghost got lost in the fog, its family and friends were very upset. Can you think of a 4 OR 6 letter word that describes how they felt?" I slowly shake my head, feeling very disappointed in myself. I can't think of it. I'm reaching far back in the mind. Nope. Nothin'. He encourages me. "Think hard. Two different words that sound the same. Here's a means the same thing as FOG." I try very hard. Cloud? Smoke? No, Catherine, no. You're an idiot. I can't believe they let you into med school. You should have worked harder on those crossword puzzles in Europe instead of constantly flipping to the back to "check" your answers. Cloud? No, you already thought that! I sadly and VERY disappointedly shake my head. "I'm afraid I'm not very good at these," I sadly admit to the crazy scary white-bearded man with wide-spaced teeth and frighteningly large and engaging eyes. He smiles. "They mist/missed him."
I sigh. I don't deserve to live.
He encourages me. "That's okay. Here, I'll give you one you will DEFINITELY get." My heart starts racing. That's the worst thing he could possibly say. Now I MUST get the answer right or it will prove beyond any doubt that I am a fool. Right there in front of Mr. Yale, who was probably answering each one in his mind so quickly and wondering to himself at the low acceptance standards Miami has for their medical students these days. The man says, "A young and handsome magnet took a lady magnet out to dinner on a date. He said to her across the dinner table...'My dear, I find you very ______.'" I think hard and fast. I'm a little sweaty, even. The word ATTRACTIVE pops in my mind instantly but for some reason I don't believe it could be that easy. I think harder. Magnetic? Is that stupid? That's stupid. I finally go out on the limb with my first instinct. "Attractive...?" He smiles victoriously. "YES! You've GOT it!"
He walks away triumphantly without looking back and I wonder if I've just been visited by a very fat, white-haired, socially inept angel who decided to make my day. Even if he ruined my chances with Mr. Yale, who apparently would have been our one hope at the genius children I've been dreaming of.